Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Taking one day at a time

Well 2 weeks ago today Ken had his first part of DBS surgery. He was a trooper from the first moment we got to the hospital. He was so positive the whole time and I was so excited this day had finally come. After he went to surgery I went out to the waiting room. Now most people would have gone to the main family area but that was not possible since I had the most incredible support group anyone could have wished for. I could not have gotten through this day without each and everyone of my family and good friends. I cannot thank all of you enough for supporting us.
The procedure was uneventful. The Drs were pleased with their work and I couldn't wait to see him. Once I went into ICU and saw him, tears rolled down my cheeks and I was so grateful. He had a restful night and the next morning you would never had known he just had brain surgery. He was alert and talking away.At this point they had disconnected him from all the monitors ready to send him to a regular room. He was tired and fell asleep. Then WHAM he had a massive seizure. This was the most frightening experience of my life. As I said he wasn't on any monitors so no one knew this was happening. I quickly turned him on his side and yelled for help. The staff responded so quickly and took awesome care of him. I felt like I was in an episode of Greys Anatomy just standing back watching. I was so scared. The staff stabilized him and then he just slept and slept. Our families once again dropped everything and were there in a blink. He doesn't have much recollection if any from the rest of that day or the next. He was very very sleepy and confused. We had to just wait it out. It was so hard. When we finally came home he started having focal seizures. I thought I was terrified before but now I was even more scared. I felt this past 2 weeks I have been totally out of my element. I have 20 years of medical experience but nothing prepared me for this. I felt so helpless. The second procedure was last week and was a success. Since we have been home Ken has been sleeping a lot. Dr. said it is his body's way of healing.
I am confident that we are on the road to recovery. Ken is such a great pt. and has been giving 110% since day one. Words cannot express my gratitude for every ones love and support. I tried really hard to answer all the texts, phone calls and emails but I wasn't prepared for the "fanfare" he received. I had over 300 texts and emails. I cannot thank our families and friends for their unconditional love and support. Everyone was such a strong support when we needed it most. I feel so blessed.
Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we continue to get Ken to a full recovery. Those of you that have the honor of knowing him will not be surprised by his courage during all of this. He is and always be my hero and I will always be here right by his side.
